Victor Reader Stratus4 M Support

User Manuals
Stratus 2.1 Release Notes
| EnglishStratus4 User Guide
| EnglishStratus4 M User Guide
| EnglishPre-sale and Service Information Victor Reader Stratus
| EnglishHumanWare Companion User Guide
| EnglishStratus4 User Guide
| DanishStratus4 M User Guide
| DanishHumanWare Companion User Guide
| DanishStratus4 User Guide
| DutchStratus4 M User Guide
| DutchStratus4 User Guide
| FinnishStratus4 M User Guide
| FinnishStratus4 H User Guide
| FinnishStratus4 Manuel d’utilisation
| FrançaisStratus4 M Manuel d’utilisation
| FrançaisStratus4 User Guide
| GermanStratus4 M User Guide
| GermanStratus4 User Guide
| NorwegianStratus4 User Guide
| RussianStratus4 User Guide
| SloveniaStratus4 M User Guide
| SloveniaStratus4 User Guide
| SpanishStratus4 User Guide
| SwedishStratus4 M User Guide
| SwedishHumanWare Companion User Guide
| DutchInformations de préventes et de service pour le Victor Reader Stratus
| FrançaisHumanWare Companion Manuel d’utilisateur
StratusM FAQ including information about HumanWare Companion, Book Producers, and use by physically disabled
| EnglishHumanWare Companion User Guide
| GermanHumanWare Companion User Guide
| NorwegianHumanWare Companion User Guide
| Swedish
Firmware / Software Updates
Important : Here are the instructions to update your Victor Reader Stratus:
1. Download the Stratus software update file for the desired language from the list below. The file is of type UPG. Note that if you are using Firefox, you will need to right click the link, then click “Save as…” and save the file on your computer.
2. Copy the UPG file to the root directory of a data CD or data DVD.
3. Plug the Stratus to the AC power and power on the unit.
4. Insert the CD or DVD in the unit.
5. The update will be performed. Progress messages will be announced.
6. Once the update is completed, the player will power off.
7. Restart the player to retrieve the CD/DVD.
Note: If you are updating an advanced Stratus M player you may also put the UPG file on an SD card or USB flash media to update the unit.
The first voice listed is the primary voice, used for the menu.
Heather (English UK) and Ryan (English US) v2.6.19
| EnglishHeather (English UK) and Louise (French Canada) v2.6.19
| EnglishHeather (English UK) and Rosa (Spanish US) v2.6.19
| EnglishHeather (English UK) and Manon (French France) v2.6.31
| EnglishStratus English North America v2.1.18 TTS Rachel (English) and Eliska (Checz)
| EnglishRachel (English UK) and Graham (English UK) v2.6.19
| EnglishTyler (English AU) and Lucy (English UK) v2.6.19
| EnglishStratus English United Kingdom v2.1.18 TTS Graham (English) and Sofie (Flemish)
| EnglishNizar (Arabic) and Ryan (English US) v2.6.19
| ArabicStratus Arabic v2.1.18 TTS Leila and Heather
| ArabicStratus Arabic v2.1.18 TTS Leila and Margaux
| ArabicMette (Danish) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| DanishRasmus (Danish) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.31
| DanishMette (Danish) and Rachel (English UK) v2.6.19
| DanishStratus Danish v2.1 TTS Mette and Rasmus
| DanishStratus Danish v2.1.18 TTS Rasmus and Graham
| DanishJasmijn (Dutch Netherlands) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| DutchDaan (Dutch Netherlands) and Jasmijn (Dutch Netherlands) v2.6.19
| DutchDaan (Dutch Netherlands) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.31
| DutchZoe (Dutch Belgium) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| DutchZoe (Dutch Belgium) and Margaux (French France) v2.6.19
| DutchSanna (Estonian) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| EstonianSanna (Estonian) and Alyona (Russian) v2.6.19
| EstonianAlyona (Russian) and Sanna (Estonian) v2.6.19
| EstonianStratus Estonian v2.1.18 Alyona (Russian) and Heather
| EstonianSanna (Finnish) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.31
| FinnishSamuel (Swedish Findland) and Sanna (Finnish) v2.6.31
| FinnishLouise (Français Canada) et Heather (Anglais UK) v2.6.19
| FrançaisLouise (Français Canada) et Margaux (Français France) v2.6.19
| FrançaisManon (Français France) et Heather (Anglais UK) v2.6.19
| FrançaisMargaux (Français France) et Heather (Anglais UK) v2.6.19
| FrançaisAntoine (Français France) et Graham (Anglais UK) v2.6.19
| FrançaisStratus Français Europe v2.1.18 Alice et Heather
| FrançaisStratus Français Europe v2.1.18 Margaux et Rachel
| FrançaisStratus Français Europe v2.6.31 TTS Margaux et Zoe (Flemish)
| FrançaisJulia (Germain) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.31
| GermanKlaus (German) and Graham (English UK) v2.6.19
| GermanJulia (German) and Rachel (English UK) v2.6.19
| GermanClaudia (German) and Graham (English UK) v2.6.19
| GermanAndreas (German) and Graham (English UK) v2.6.19
| GermanAndreas (German) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| GermanKlaus (German) and Julia (German) v2.6.19
| GermanKlaus (German) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| GermanGraham (English UK) and Rachel (English UK) v2.6.19
| IcelandicStratus Icelandic v2.1.18 Heather and Ryan
| IcelandicFabiana (Italian) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| ItalianHeather and Alyona v2.6.19
| LithuanianStratus Norwegian v2.1.18 TTS Bente and Heather
| NorwegianOlav (Norwegian) and Graham (English UK) v2.6.19
| NorwegianBente (Norwegian) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.31
| NorwegianAnia (Polish) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.31
| PolishAlyona (Russian) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| RussianAlyona (Russian) and Sanna (Finnish) v2.6.19
| RussianStratus Romanian v2.1.18 TTS Fabiana (Italian) and Heather
| RomanianHeather (English UK) and Fabiana (Italian) v2.6.19
| SloveniaHeather (English UK) and Eliska (Czech) v2.6.19
| SloveniaHeather (English UK) and Julia (German) v2.6.19
| SloveniaMaria (Spanish Spain) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| SpanishStratus Spanish v2.1.18 Rosa (Latin America) and Heather
| SpanishErik (Swedish Sweden) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.19
| SwedishStratus Swedish v2.1.18 TTS Elin and Heather
| SwedishEmil (Swedish) and Heather (English UK) v2.6.31
| SwedishSamuel (Swedish Finland) and Sanna (Finnish) v2.6.19
Samuel (Swedish Finland) and Sanna (Finnish) v2.6.19
| SwedishHumanWare Companion Software 4.1
| EnglishHumanWare Companion Software Version 4.1
| DanishHumanWare Companion Software Version 4.1
| DutchHumanWare Companion Logiciel Version 4.1
| FrançaisHumanWare Companion Software Version 4.1
| GermanHumanWare Companion Software Version 4.1.17
| NorwegianHumanWare Companion Software Version 4.1.17
| SwedishHumanWare Companion Software Version 4.1.17
| Russian
Video Tutorials
Video tutorial
| EnglishVideo on How to Install and Use HumanWare Companion
| English
Frequently Asked Questions
For your convenience, Stratus remembers separate volume settings for the built-in speaker and the headphones. This means you can set one volume level that is comfortable for the headphones and a different volume level that you prefer for the built-in speaker. When you remove the headphones Stratus will reset to the last volume level you set for the speaker and when you plug the headphones back in Stratus will reset to the level you last set for the headphones.
Approximately 10 hours for continuous play of recorded DAISY books on CD.
With Stratus models, stop playback near the start of the heading, page, or file that you want to bookmark. Press the Where Am I key to determine the heading, page, or file number. Then press the Go To key to the left of key 1 to select the appropriate function: Go To Page, Go To Heading, or Go To File. Enter the number and then press the Confirm (pound) key. Stratus will position precisely at the start of the entered page, heading, or file but playback will not start. Now insert your bookmark.
If you have any DAISY talking books in the root of your SD card, then Stratus will not look for any other files in the root. If you want to have talking books in the root you must put music files in $VRMusic folder and any non-structured MP3 books in $VROtherBooks.
Download the Bookshare zip book to your computer. Use Windows to extract the book files from the zip file into a folder on your computer. Then copy the folder to the $VRDTB folder on your SD card. The only files that are required are the four that end with .NCX, .OPF, .SMIL, and .XML. However, it is ok to copy the entire folder as the extra files will not affect book playback. Also, instead of using Windows, you may also use the HumanWare Companion software to transfer Bookshare zip books. The Companion will automatically unzip the book and create the folder on the SD card. Indeed, using the Bookshare Web Service item on the Online Books menu of the Companion allows you to find the book, download it, and transfer it to the Stratus SD card all within the simple Companion interface.
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